Sahil Rajput

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Uses 🎪

Documentation Hub

Jest - testing library(cheatsheet)

React Query Github

Yup - Data Validation

io-ts - Data Validation for typescript

react-hooks-testing-library - Api Reference- Github

Yarn Cli - Docs , Yarn - Install/Update


Joi Docs - joi lets you describe your data using a simple, intuitive, and readable language.

And Design Docs - UI library for react

Expressjs Docs - Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js

Mongoosejs Docs

Reactjs Docs

Nodejs Docs

Inkscape Docs

Typescript Docs - Typescript Playground

Formik Docs

EloquentJavascript Book Docs

Javascript Docs @ MDN

Hacker News -Blog

React Native Docs

Expo Docs


Apollo Client (React)

Apollo Server

Styled Components

Styleguidist - Isolated React component development environment with a living style guide

Redux Docs - List of Example Codesandboxes

React with Hooks

MaterialUI Docs - Example Projects

MaterialUI Docs - Example Templates with source code

Material-UI Docs - Learn Material-UI

Some Libraries for react-hooks

react-use@Github(interesting typescript code)


rehooks/awesome-react-hooks@Github {Sum of repos*}

ahooks - alibaba/hooks@Github

vercel/swr@Github - SWR is a React Hooks library for remote data fetching.

react-query - Github - Hooks for fetching, caching and updating asynchronous data in React


Firing Range - Github

RandomDadJoke, Dadjokegenerator, icanhazdadjoke

Interesting Topics

Class Inheritance